New River Vanners
New River Vanners

New River Vanner Foals
New River Vanner Foals
Past, Current & Upcoming Foals
Past, Current & Upcoming Foals
2024 Foals
2023 Foals
2023 Foals

NR Dixieblue
Born 02/26/23
Purebred Gypsy Filly
(Soifra of TNT / SD Cottoneyed Joe's Surprise)
Blue Roan
NR Dixieblue
NR Mayday
Born 05/01/23
Purebred Gypsy Foal
(GTF Velveteen Rabbit / SD Cottoneyed Joe's Surprise)
Blue Roan Tobiano Filly
Born 5/1/23
EE, Rn, Tt

NR Dun Dealin' Deuces
NR Dun Dealin' Deuces
Born 05/22/23
Purebred Gypsy Colt
(WG Silver Moon Lily / SSFR Deuce is Wild)
Bay Dun
Heading to Canada! Congrats

NR Janie's Got A Gun
NR Janie's Got A Gun
Born 06/17/23
Purebred Gypsy Foal
(Destiny Farm's Raven / SD Greatest Showman)

NR Rosanna
NR Rosanna
Born 06/24/23
Purebred Gypsy Foal
(NR Carolina Ramblin' Rose / SD Greatest Showman)

NR "Stevie"
NR Edge of Seventeen
Born 06/24/23
Purebred Gypsy Foal
(Clononeen Lile / SD Greatest Showman)
Blue Sabino
She's A Keeper!

NR "Louis"
NR Steel My Show
Born 06/12/23
Purebred Gypsy Foal
(Harbour Gypsy Rose / SD Greatest Showman)
Future Herd Sire Of NRGV

NR Show Me The Majic
NR Show Me The Majic
Born 08/04/23
Purebred Gypsy Foal
(GDR Royals Black Majic / SD Greatest Showman)
Black Blagdon Filly
Rachel's Foal
NR Show Business aka "Scarlett"
NR Show Business
Born 08/29/23
Purebred Gypsy Foal
(Clononeen Kyra / SD Greatest Showman)
Blue Sabino
2022 Foals
2022 Foals

NR Declan
NR Declan
Barn Name: Declan
Color: Blue Roan Tobiano (EE Tt nRn)
Birthday: 02/21/2022
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Sophie

NR Shirley the Curly
NR Shirley the Curly
Barn Name: Shirley
Color: Dunskin Roan (Ee Aa CR Dd nRn)
Birthday: 03/07/2022
Sex: Filly
Curly / Gypsy Cross
Sire: Moose
Dam: Curly (Frida)
NR Jameson
NR Jameson
Barn Name: Jameson
Color: Black Tobiano (EE TT)
Birthday: 04/09/2022
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Moose
Dam: Sugar

NR Man of Steel
NR Man of Steel
Barn Name: Krypton
Color: Blue Roan (EE nRn)
Birthday: 04/22/2022
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Moose
Dam: Rosie

NR Top Gun Maverick
NR Top Gun Maverick
Barn Name: Maverick
Color: Black Tobiano (EE Tt)
Birthday: 05/28/2022
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Lile

NR Dahlia
NR Dahlia
Barn Name: Dahlia
Color: Blue Roan (EE Dd)
Birthday: 06/04/2022
Sex: Filly
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Moose
Dam: Raven

NR The Enchanted Knight
NR The Enchanted Knight
Barn Name: Knight
Color: Blue Roan (EE nRn)
Birthday: 03/22/2022
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Forrest
Dam: Kyra

NR Paddy Wagon
NR Paddy Wagon
Barn Name: Paddy
Color: Black (EE)
Birthday: 05/01/2022
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Wildboy Paddy
Dam: Rose

NR Bombshell of Bigfoot Vanners
NR Bombshell of Bigfoot Vanners
Barn Name: Marilyn
Color: Black Tobiano (EE Aa Tt)
Birthday: 06/04/2022
Sex: Filly
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Lily

NR Mackrelmint
NR Mackrelmint
Barn Name: Mac
Color: Black (EE)
Birthday: 06/10/2022
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Moose
Dam: Pippi

WG Kiss Me In The Dark
WG Kiss Me In The Dark
Barn Name: Kisses
Color: Black (EE n/LP n/CR)
Birthday: 06/20/2022
Sex: Filly
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Cadbury
Dam: Vixxen
2021 Foals
2021 Foals

NR Curly Joe Blue
NR Curly Joe Blue
Barn Name: Frankie
Color: Grulla Roan (EE Dd nRn)
Birthday: 03/01/2021
Sex: Colt
Curly / Gypsy Cross
Sire: Nik
Dam: Curly (Frida)

NR Smoky Mountain Rain
NR Smoky Mountain Rain
Barn Name: Rain
Color: Black Tobiano (EE TT)
Birthday: 03/05/2021
Sex: Filly
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Sugar

NR Riding The Storm Out
NR Riding The Storm Out
Barn Name: Noah
Color: Black Tobiano (EE Tt)
Birthday: 03/18/2021
Sex: Colt
Purebred GypsyVanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Rose

NR Manda's Panda
NR Manda's Panda
Barn Name: Panda
Color: Black Tobiano (EE Tt)
Birthday: 04/22/2021
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Rosie

NR Manda's Utzana Sunshine
NR Manda's Utzana Sunshine
Barn Name: Sunshine
Color: Buckskin Tobiano (Ee Aa nCr Tt)
Birthday: 04/25/2021
Sex: Filly
Quarter Horse / Gypsy Cross
Sire: Nik
Dam: Sunny (QH)

NR Tahitian Pearl
NR Tahitian Pearl
Barn Name: Tia
Color: Black Pearl (Ee Prl)
Birthday: 06/06/2021
Sex: Filly
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: McDreamy
Dam: Lily

NR Hershberger's Blue Haven
NR Hershberger's Blue Haven
Barn Name: Hank
Color: (Smoky) Blue Roan (EE ?cr nRn)
Birthday: 06/11/2021
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Raven
2020 Foals
2020 Foals

NR Clover
NR Clover
Barn Name: Clover
Color: Bay Tobiano (Ee Aa nT)
Birthday: 03/17/2020
Sex: Filly
Gypsy Vanner / Quarter Horse Cross
Sire: Nik
Dam: Sunny (QH)

NR Revelation Rose
NR Revelation Rose
Barn Name: Sapphire
Color: Blue Roan (EE nRn)
Birthday: 04/05/2020
Sex: Filly
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Rose

NR Hauser Heart of Gold
NR Hauser Heart of Gold
Barn Name: Buddy
Color: Silver Black Tobiano (EE nT nZ nW20)
Birthday: 04/21/2020
Sex: Gelding
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Leila (breed lease mare)
*SOLD-Congrats Linda!*

NR CaleKoa Moon
NR CaleKoa Moon
Barn Name: CaleKoa
Color: Blue Roan (EE nRn)
Birthday: 04/24/2020
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Rosie

NR My Lucky Star
NR My Lucky Star
Barn Name: Indy
Color: Blue Roan (EE nCr nRn)
Birthday: 05/28/2020
Sex: Filly
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Raven

NR Tahoe
NR Tahoe
Barn Name: Tahoe
Color: Blue Roan (EE nRn)
Birthday: 09/08/2020
Sex: Colt
Purebred Gypsy Vanner
Sire: Nik
Dam: Sophie
A Quality Program Built From Family, Faith, Trust and Honesty
A Quality Program Built From Family, Faith, Trust and Honesty
Super Honest People of Great Faith and Friendship
Brandon Hall - Hall's Gypsies